Thursday, April 11, 2013

Making conversation on a short ride today I asked the kids if they could be anything in the world when they grow up what would they be...
Cohen- Spider-Man
Kambri - the tooth fairy

If they could eat anything in the whole world what would they eat?
Cohen - hot cereal (oatmeal)
Kambri- nachos (tortilla chips w melted grated cheese)
They are easy to please :)

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Treble or trouble

The other week at piano lessons Mark was teaching Kambri about bass clefs and treble clefs. When he introduced the treble clef she asked, "why is it in trouble?".

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Without the V

Kambri asked Cohen how to spell his name. He answered, "C-O-H-E-N-V... but without the V."

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Keep your eyes closed or else

Today after Kambri finished saying family prayer she says, " did you know that if you have your eyes open when you pray your dreams won't come true? It's true. I tried it once." There are a few things I find funny about this comment.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The hard life of a six year old

Tomorrow my little lady turns six years old. When I woke her up this morning I reminded her of this and she replied by saying, "I'm really going to miss being five because when your five you just get to be a little kid. When you're six you really have to grow up."

Damn those rude boys and their sweet, sweet moves

Last week Kambri said to me "I hate to say this because he's so rude, but Jason has some sweet moves. The best in daycare"

Bumps On My Tummy

Today Cohen said to me, " I want some bumps on my tummy to show that I'm strong!" I'm pretty sue he's talking about abs.