Saturday, February 25, 2012

I am a black head

Cohen looked at me yesterday morning and said, "I am a white head... You are a black head" I'm pretty sure he's talking about hair color :)

The door bit my finger

Cohen had shut his finger in the door and came up to me with big years in his eyes he said, " Mom, the door bit my finger!"

Monday, February 13, 2012

Now that I'm 5

Today is Kambri's birthday. Five is a big one! She thinks now that she is five something magical will happen. She sits at the piano and says, "now that I'm five I can play the piano.". She tinkers a bit and realizes that wasn't the five year old magic that is to happen so she thinks out loud, "now that I'm five I won't ever want to suck my thumb again, and I won't have any more accidents..." (although most of the thumb sucking is under control nights are still quite hard for her and she occasionally has accidents at night). Let's hope that is the magic of being five.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


I loved making valentines with sweet Kambri this year! We bought rollo's and wrapped paper around it saying I like the way you "roll". She talked about her crush and had to pick out the perfect sticker for him, it said true love, the other boys got stickers w cupcake or candy pictured on them...just so they didn't get the wrong idea.