Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Interpreting The Language of Cohen

Here are some Cohen words... I'll add as I think about it.

Beep-beep - car, truck, any motorized vehicle really

Poo brush- toothbrush

Ki-et - quiet

Gamgee or cah bee - Kambri

Ohpee an wookie - hopie and lukie (the babysitters kids)

Bye da- spider

Up me - pick me up

Bot ah mon - batman

Peek a bah

Bee bop - flip flops

Boobie - movie

Shoeson - shoes (yes that's right just shoes)

Goggie - dog

Wowey pop- soda pop

Ha ket - chocolate

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Cohen was jumping on the bed tonight and he passed a bunch if gas, stopped for a quick moment and looked at me and said, "I farf-ed"

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Looking so mature

Kambri was showing off her newly pierced ears at preschool this week and one of the girls in her class looked at them and told Kambri they made her look at least five or six years old.

Sunday, October 9, 2011


Brian is out of town for the week and Kambri gets a bit nervous at night time. She asked tonight if Nate was tough enough to protect us. I answered that of course he was. She then asked if he could kill a guy......

Saturday, October 1, 2011

It's your birthday!

The other morning Cohen climbed in bed with us and Brian said to Cohen, "tomorrow it's your birthday!", Cohen replied, "no, it's your birthday".


We call Cohen Buddy and so he answers to that name. When we were in the hotel for our tri the other week Cohen was sitting on the floor playing and we were watching tv and a character on tv said, "watch it Buddy" Cohen turns to the tv and replies, "ok".