Friday, July 13, 2012

I'm a man!

Cohen ran into my room this morning completely naked and shouted, " I'm not wearing a shirt today because I'm a man!". (we were getting ready to go swimming)

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


One night I say to my kids in the bath "time to wash hair". And simultaneously I hear the the disappointed, "awe". So to make things a bit better I tell them I bought a new shampoo that's going to make their hair smell like mango. Cohen gets way more excited than I would ever imagine a two year old boy would get about new mango shampoo. Then when it's his turn he jumps up and yells, " yay! I'm going to smell like Rango!". They love that movie.

His first shiner

He got his first black eye today....from a girl....a baby girl....he got punched in the face and received his first black eye from a 12 month old baby girl.