Thursday, October 25, 2012

A Child's Prayer

For the past few months we have been quite good at having morning family prayer and it is so great listening to my children pray. I have some sweet stories about their tender prayers.
We talk to the kids about how they should pray for individuals who are in need or are sick or sad and the other morning we talked about Uncle Brandon being sick and so this is how Cohens entire morning prayer went, Heavenly Father, we are thankful for Uncle Brandon, please help him make good friends, please help him sleep good and he won't have bad dreams, please bless the 'squito's won't bite him, please help him get home, please make his tummy feel better, name of Jesus Christ amen. I know my little man has a soft heart and thinks of people in need in his prayers. Months ago we had a good friend lose her baby and nearly every morning even now he remembers to pray that she will be happy.
He also prayed that we would have Jesus with us to make us strong and I love that he prayed for that.

I'd been feeling sick with a crappy virus for a few days so my aunt Darla took my kids so I could get some rest (she's the greatest) and Kambri came upstairs after being dropped off and said " mom are you better now?". I told her not yet and she replied, "I guess Jesus just didn't hear me, I asked him to make you feel better and he didn't listen.". Broke my heart to see how sad she was when she said this. We explained that sometimes it takes time to have prayers answered. My sweet soft hearted girl.
On a silly note... The other morning I reminded the kids that we need to let God know how thankful we are for all that he gives us so when it was Kambri's turn she thanked him for sending us Jesus so that we could have a reason to celebrate Christmas. And for the happiness of Christmas. And for the gifts we get on Christmas. Hmmm, I wonder what could be on her mind.